The Unknown Unreleased Tracks 1985-95 - Swiss MC
Tracklist: A1. Oriental Vortex A2. Der Mussolini [Remixed Version] A3. Octopus A4. Old Man Bickford A5. S.W.A.T.
Tracklist: A6. Theme For Silence [Original Version] A7. Grin [No Religion Remix / Instrumental Version] A8. Twenty Eight
Tracklist: A9. Time Vortex / Back To 88 A10. Spectators Of Sin A11. The Invincible A12. Host [Instrumental Version]
Tracklist: B1. Benways World [Original Version] B2. Golden Cashmere Sleeper, Part 1 [Live] B3. Divine Step (Conspectu Mortis) [Live]
Tracklist: B4. Status: Still Thinking [Live] B5. Metamorhosis [Live] B6. Internal Conflicts [Live] B7. Grin (Nails Hurt) [Live]
Description: the cassette is a generic blank tape. this cassette is a self-released MC which was sold only at the merch
Description: stand of the band during the Farewell Tour back in 1996. tape is a mix of rare unreleased tracks, (original)
Description: versions of tracks which were recorded and released in an alternate version and some live tracks which
Description: were recorded at the Coroner-funeral on 09-23-1995 at Atelier Stern Brut, Zürich, Switzerland. Time
Description: Vortex / Back To 88 is written as TIme Vortex/Back T.88 on sleeve. Host is not printed on sleeve. Golden
Description: Cashmere Sleeper, Part 1 is written as Golden Cashmere Sl. on sleeve. Divine Step (Conspectu Mortis) is
Description: written as Divine Step on sleeve. Status: Still Thinking is written as Still Thinking on sleeve. Grin (Nails
Description: Hurt) is written as Grin on sleeve.
Made in: Switzerland 1996
Catalognumber: unknown
Label: not indicated
Barcode: none